Monday, January 21, 2008

Mom's Chicken Curry

This is my mom's famous chicken curry recipe. She is a chicken curry fanatic, and if she could, would probably have it at least 3 times a week.

This recipe originally came from her mother in-law in Durban (hence the strong Indian influence) - see Durban. (strangely, she is Norwegian with a taste for spice)

Very hearty and fulfilling, can be made at the drop of a hat, but prefers a long slow cooking.


Chicken pieces
Curry powder - good quality -Indian (including masala)
Tined tomatoes
Coriander leaves
Salt & Pepper to taste
Garam masala (a pinch)

Fry up onions and garlic until soft and tasty. Cut excess fat off chicken pieces and sprinkle red curry powder over chicken (about 2 table spoons), mix to coat chicken and set aside for half an hour. Peel potatoes and quarter - leave in water so as not to brown. Boil water for rice and set rice cooking (1 cup for 2-3 people, 3 cups salted water).

When onion is soft, add cumin, turmeric, chopped chilli, Cinnamon stick and season (add a couple cardamom if you have - just don't forget to remove them later), add chicken pieces to brown and stir. Open can of tomato (or gather chopped fresh tomato) and add to browned chicken mix along with potatoes. Continue cooking on a medium heat until potatoes are soft and chicken is cooked. Add a half teaspoon of garam masal (optional).

When nearly done, add some chopped coriander, and stir - garnish with more fresh coriander and serve. mmmm......

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What is this?

This is my little spot where I like to keep track of the recipes I love and have conquered. Sometimes it won’t change, and at other times I’ll be posting new recipes when they arise.

It's really just a recipe book that I know I won’t lose amidst papers and books...For me, for family and friends, for no one in particular. Read it; cook the recipes if you want. Enjoy!

Simple food doesn't have to be tasteless!